Life is a divine gift from God, designed to be full of peace, joy, love, good health, and profound abundances. This truth is proclaimed all throughout the bible, and God has promised it to those who are willing to believe for it; it’s called the “PROMISED LAND!” My premium Telephone Coaching Services can help you to step into your promised land!
I specialize in Self-Empowerment & Personal Sustainability. This is not a religious service, because I am not a religious Life Coach. However, my Telephone Coaching Service is meant to be practical, and colloquial in nature; meaning, we will engage in casual conversation to dissect problem areas, and to identify profound solutions according to God’s laws.
Many people misunderstand Christianity; it’s not about worshipping Jesus Christ as a man or fighting with the devil. Instead, Christianity is about understanding God’s divine laws, also known as “LIGHT”, and then living according to that light. God’s Light is composed of two main elements; Love and Understanding.
Jesus himself clearly tells us why he has come in the holy scriptures John 10:10-11
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 11. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep."
The word Christian comes from the Greek word ‘christos’ which means ‘anointed one’ or ‘messiah’. Although Jesus, the Son of God, carried the title, it’s important to understand that he did not come for us to worship him; how vain would that be?; Instead, he came to 'save' us from ignorance by introducing God's divine ways to us. So, we are to ‘learn’ from him-that we might live a fruitful and prosperous life-eternally with God.
Check out my current areas of specialty to see how I might serve you in your personal and professional life.
Self Esteem is your relationship with you. How do you feel about yourself? Are you talented? Are you attractive? Do you see yourself as valuable? Do you believe you deserve to be respected, loved, and appreciated?
Understand this: Your Self Esteem governs the quality of your life. Because the image you hold of yourself, influences how other people treat you. It also influences how you treat yourself. If you want people to respect you, then you must respect yourself first. If you are experiencing great lack, then it may be that you aren’t giving yourself permission to have abundance. But, if you don’t feel like you are loved, acknowledged, or valued, then you aren’t properly projecting love, acknowledgment, or value of yourself into the world.
I can help you to dramatically improve the quality of your life, by first helping you to cultivate a healthy Self Esteem.
Success is not about money! Rather, Success is about setting a goal, and then taking measures to achieve that goal.
Prosperity is not about money either. Rather, Prosperity is the state of flourishing and doing well.
Are you prospering? Are you successful? Recognize that Success and Prosperity are simply states of mind and states of being. Hallelujah!
I can help you to cultivate the right mindset, so you can become your greatest success, and so you can prosper like never before!
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1 KJV
Faith is all about bringing our strongest beliefs into materialization; this also explains why our deepest fears tend to come about as well. Fear is the opposite of faith.
When there’s something that we passionately desire to have or do, many times our current circumstances do not support us. Our situation seems to be very different than what we wish; but, this is when the power of our faith kicks in.
Understand that the application of faith is one of our greatest spiritual powers; it is also a profound biblical principle, because God only operates by faith.
“as it is written, ‘I have made you the father of many nations’ in the presence of the God whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” Romans 4:17 (ESV)
I can help you to cultivate a healthy faith-so you can begin calling into existence the good things that you deserve.
Do you feel stuck? Like nothing is happening? Maybe you simply don’t know what to do next. Perhaps all you need is a word from God.
Inspiration is a mental or emotional nudge. It is a divine idea to do something. It is a natural phenomenon of life in general, but sometimes we can become desensitized to the signal.
Understand, that inspiration doesn’t come from people, or external sources; rather, inspiration comes from you! Because it is an internal power, that wakes up when the right conditions are present.
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” - Romans 10:17 (KJV)
I can help you to listen for inspiration, so you can get unstuck and moving in the right direction again.
Is there something that you really want? Do you want it so bad, that you’re willing to do or give up something great just to have it? This is called a passionate Desire.
Understand, that passionate Desires are different from wants. Because a passionate Desire is actually a fervent need! If you start treating your Desires like they are needs, then they will be filled. Because there’s no such thing as a need without a corresponding fulfillment.
Depending on the Desire in question, it can take a very long time to be fulfilled. However, when you are truly passionate and committed to seeing your Desire come to pass, then time is not an issue. Neither is material wealth either. You only need to remain focused, be patient, and simply believe, and you will witness the fulfillment of your Desire.
I can help you to bring your passionate Desires to fruition.
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